Agit cirk / Makeshift
Insomniac’s Fable is a contemporary circus and dance piece featuring world class performers that chronicles a protagonist’s pursuit of idealised love. But as with all dreams, things can take a surreal turn at any moment...
Performed by Sakari Männistö, one of the world’s most original jugglers and classical ballet dancer Erin O’Toole, Insomniac’s Fable is a delicate love story with a Hitchockian glint in its eye. Artist Angela Annesley’s eerily evocative images envelop the stage, and former Royal Ballet artist Ludovic Ondiviela’s dance choreography marries ballet’s well-established tradition of storytelling with contemporary circus.
“A beautiful and accomplished piece of physical theatre”
“There’s much to be admired in Insomniac’s Fable, not least the skill of the performers”
Premiere: 2018
Set-up: Indoor
Running time: 50 minutes
Age guidance: 8+
Touring party: 3
Minimum stage dimensions: 7m deep x 7m wide
Language: no language
Concept and direction: Emma Lister
Concept and juggling: Sakari Männistö
Dancer: Erin O’Toole
Woodcut projections: Angela Annesley
Dance choreography: Ludovic Ondiviela
Lighting design: Eero Auvinen
Costumes: Alice Williamson
Co-production and supporters: Jackson’s Lane, UK; Cirko - Centre for new Circus, FI; National Centre for Circus Arts, UK; Manifesti Turku, FI; Finnish Institute London, UK; Arts Promotion Centre, FI; Gandini Juggling, UK
The Wee Review ★★★★
Edinburgh Festivals ★★★★
Summerhall Lustrum Award, 2023
The team offers a wide range of wrap-around activities, including: post-show discussions, juggling workshops, dance workshops. Available for all ages and levels.
The core of Makeshift Company is the artistic work of dancer Emma Lister and circus artist Sakari Männistö. With decades of creative experience and knowledge between them, they aim to tell stories through combining dance, circus and a broad range of collaborators from the performing and visual arts. Makeshift Companys previous productions include e.g.: “Movers Shakers Makers” -podcast, an interdisciplinary piece combining circus, dance, media design and live foley called “Ghost Town”.
Agit-Cirk is an association founded in 2005 for circus arts and music. The members of Agit-Cirk work in the fields of circus arts, music and poetry. Their mission is to create and produce unique and modern high-level multidisciplinary circus arts performances.
One of Agit-Cirk’s goals is to introduce circus arts to new audiences by taking performances to places and events where circus arts have not been seen before. Their performances have been seen all around Scandinavia, Europe, New Zealand and U.S.A.
Previous production include e.g.: “JONG” a composition for a juggler and a chambre orchestra composed by Lotta Wennäkoski, “Silence-festival (2010-2016), “Saivo” an nterdisciplinary performance performed in the Kiasma museum for contemporary art in Helsinki, “Nuanc3d” a volumentric virtual circus performance.
For more information, check availability, please contact Axel Satgé: