Food For Thoughts: The Diverse Body/Ies In Performing Arts:
D E A R S - Letters By Elena Zanzu

A series of letters published by Circostrada as part of their Diverse Body/Ies series.

Written by Elena Zanzu, these letters explore Elena’s relationship with circus and their own body.

Read the letters on the Circostrada’s website.

Guidelines for entertainment professionals working with LGBT+ performers

This guide has been put together by the Equity LGBT+ Committee, in collaboration with All About Trans and Spotlight. It is intended to be a set of best practice guidelines for working with performers and industry professionals who identify as LGBT+.

Read the guidelines on Equity website.

Is Circus Always Queer?

An article looking at the queer history of circus and where queer circus is at today - Smells Like Circus.

read the article on

Pink Everything

As Pink Everything is growing, we hope this will be a good resource for all things queer circus!

Explore our blog entries here.

Queering the Leadership. Against the myth of a progressive circus

by Gaia Vimercati via Around About Circus.

On 15th April 2024, I was invited as a keynote speaker for the international conference 'Circus- a safe(r) space for danger', the first conference on safety in the European circus sector in Antwerp (Belgium) during MAD Festival and MAD Convention. Organised by Circuscentrum, Ell Circo D’ell Fuego e MAD Festival, the event gathered 146 visitors from 16 different countries, providing three panel discussions, and 12 workshops.

I contributed with a keynote speech about Leadership on why and how, from a personal and professional perspective, our White Western cultural policies keep fostering a profoundly unequal system despite their narratives on diversity and inclusion.

Read the full keynote here.

Wake Up Call for Inclusion–Queering the Circus: Exploring LBGTQIA+ Circus Realities & Possibilities

This panel is part of CircusTalk’s Wake Up Call for Inclusion series. In this panel discussion about LGBTQIA’s presence in the worldwide circus sector, we explore questions as they relate to queer realities, hopes, experiences, and creations. Among the questions our international group of queer artists examine: What are the examples we have of queer circus? What strengths do LGBTQIA+ persons bring to the field and to the practice? What does it mean to be an ally? What can we say about the presence, absence, and/or representation of trans and queer persons in the circus family and in the stories we tell with circus as a medium? What can we say about the presence, absence, and/or representation of BIPOC artists in the queer circus world? And, even: What is the future of queer circus?

More information on this panel discussion on Stagelync website.

What Does the Future of Circus Look Like for Young Transgender Circus Artists?

A series of interviews with young trans circus artists, sharing their experience and their hopes. A must read!

Full article on Stagelync.

Anything missing?

Email us if you know of resources that should be featured on this page.


